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Соглашение на обработку персональных данных

Настоящим, я (далее – Лицо), даю свое согласие froggy-kids.ru, юридический адрес: г. Москва, городок им. Баумана д.2 , дом 30 (далее – Компания) на обработку своих персональных данных, указанных при оформлении заказа на сайте Компании для обработка моего заказа, коммуникации со мной в рамках обработки моего заказа, доставки заказанного мной товара, а также иных сопряженных с этим целей в рамках действующего законодательства РФ и технических возможностей Компании, а также для получения сервисного опроса по завершении оказания услуги или при невозможности оказания таковой.

Обработка персональных данных Лица может осуществляться с помощью средств автоматизации и/или без использования средств автоматизации в соответствии с действующим законодательством РФ и положениями Компании. Настоящим Лицо соглашается на передачу своих персональных данных третьим лицам для их обработки в соответствии с целями, предусмотренными настоящим согласием, на основании договоров, заключенных Компанией с этими лицами, персональные данные Лица могут передаваться внутри группы лиц froggy-kids.ru, включая трансграничную передачу. Настоящее согласие Лица на обработку его/ее персональных данных, указанных при оформлении заказа на сайте Компании, направляемых (заполненных) с использованием настоящего сайта, действует с момента оформления заказа на сайте Компании до момента его отзыва. Согласие на обработку персональных данных, указанных при оформлении заказа на сайте Компании, направляемых (заполненных) с использованием настоящего сайта, может быть отозвано Лицом при подаче письменного заявления (отзыва) в Компанию. Обработка персональных данных Лица прекращается в течение 2 месяцев с момента получения Компанией письменного заявления (отзыва) Лица и/или в случае достижения цели обработки и уничтожается в срок и на условиях, установленных законом, если не предусмотрено иное. Обезличенные персональные данные Лица могут использоваться Компанией в статистических (и иных исследовательских целей) после получения заявления (отзыва) согласия, а также после достижения целей, для которых настоящее согласие было получено.

Настоящим Лицо подтверждает достоверность указанной информации.
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Соглашение на обработку персональных данных

Настоящим, я (далее – Лицо), даю свое согласие froggy-kids.ru, юридический адрес: г. Москва, городок им. Баумана д.2 , дом 30 (далее – Компания) на обработку своих персональных данных, указанных при оформлении заказа на сайте Компании для обработка моего заказа, коммуникации со мной в рамках обработки моего заказа, доставки заказанного мной товара, а также иных сопряженных с этим целей в рамках действующего законодательства РФ и технических возможностей Компании, а также для получения сервисного опроса по завершении оказания услуги или при невозможности оказания таковой.

Обработка персональных данных Лица может осуществляться с помощью средств автоматизации и/или без использования средств автоматизации в соответствии с действующим законодательством РФ и положениями Компании. Настоящим Лицо соглашается на передачу своих персональных данных третьим лицам для их обработки в соответствии с целями, предусмотренными настоящим согласием, на основании договоров, заключенных Компанией с этими лицами, персональные данные Лица могут передаваться внутри группы лиц froggy-kids.ru, включая трансграничную передачу. Настоящее согласие Лица на обработку его/ее персональных данных, указанных при оформлении заказа на сайте Компании, направляемых (заполненных) с использованием настоящего сайта, действует с момента оформления заказа на сайте Компании до момента его отзыва. Согласие на обработку персональных данных, указанных при оформлении заказа на сайте Компании, направляемых (заполненных) с использованием настоящего сайта, может быть отозвано Лицом при подаче письменного заявления (отзыва) в Компанию. Обработка персональных данных Лица прекращается в течение 2 месяцев с момента получения Компанией письменного заявления (отзыва) Лица и/или в случае достижения цели обработки и уничтожается в срок и на условиях, установленных законом, если не предусмотрено иное. Обезличенные персональные данные Лица могут использоваться Компанией в статистических (и иных исследовательских целей) после получения заявления (отзыва) согласия, а также после достижения целей, для которых настоящее согласие было получено.

Настоящим Лицо подтверждает достоверность указанной информации.
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Фильтр HEPA для пылесоса Bosch Siemens 618907

Артикул: 2933
  • Вес: 0.13 кг.
  • Цена за: 1 шт.
  • Совместимость: Siemens, Bosch
  • Код запчасти: 618907
  • Аналоги: 616268, 187622, 578863, PL-067, VAC300BO, VAC309BO
  • Гарантия: 1 год
  • Длина: 150 мм
  • Ширина: 105 мм
  • Высота: 13 мм
  • 0 руб. Выгода -280 руб.
  • 280 руб.
Есть в наличии: 4 шт.
  •    Фильтр - вставка HEPA тонкой очистки для пылесосов Bosch ( Бош ), Siemens ( Сименс ). Защитный фильтр мотора (моющийся) с мешками и безмешковых систем. Размеры: 150 мм x 105 мм. Комплектность: Поролоновая губка + микрофильтр (сетка).
       Подходит для следующих моделей: 
       Bosch: BBS6312/04ACTIVA 63 SILENCE 1600W, BBS6312/06ACTIVA 63 SILENCE 1600W, BBS6312/07ACTIVA 63 SILENCE 1600W, BBS6312/09ACTIVA 63 SILENCE 1600W, BBS6316/07activa magic 1600W, BBS6316/09activa magic 1600W, BBS6316/10activa magic 1600W, BBS6316GB/06Powermax 1700W, BBS6316GB/07Powermax, BBS6316GB/09Powermax 1700W, BBS6316GB/10Powermax 1700W, BBS6317/04Powermax 1700W, BBS6317/06Powermax 1700W, BBS6317/07Powermax 1700W, BBS6317/09Powermax 1700W, BBS6317/10Powermax 1700W, BBS6317GB/04Powermax 1700W, BBS6317GB/06Powermax 1700W, BBS6317GB/07Powermax, BBS6318/07POWERMAX 2 1800W, BBS6318/10POWERMAX 2 1800W, BBS6318GB/04ACTIVA 63 SILENCE 1600W, BBS6318GB/05ACTIVA 63 SILENCE 1600W, BBS6318GB/06ACTIVA 63 SILENCE 1600W, BBS6318GB/07ACTIVA 63 SILENCE 1600W, BBS6319/06max+3 1700W, BBS6319/07max+3 1700W, BBS6319/09max+3/1700W, BBS6319/10max+3 1700W, BBS6319GB/06Silence, BBS6319GB/07Silence, BBS6320/09activa magic 1700W, BBS6320/10activa magic 1700W, BBS6321/09Powermax 1700W, BBS6390/04Powermax 1700W, BBS6390/06Powermax 1700W, BBS6390/07Powermax 1700W, BBS6390/09powermax/1700W, BBS6390/10Powermax 1700W, BBS7210/01COMPACTA 72, BBS7210/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7220/01COMPACTA 72, BBS7220/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7221FF/01COMPACTA 72, BBS7221FF/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7221FF/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7221FF/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7222/01COMPACTA 72, BBS7222/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7223/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7223/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7223/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7240/01COMPACTA 72, BBS7240/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7240/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7240/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7241EU/01PHANTOM, BBS7241EU/02PHANTOM, BBS7241EU/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7241EU/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7242/04OLYMPIC, BBS7242/08OLYMPIC, BBS7250/01COMPACTA 72, BBS7250/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7250CH/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7250CH/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7250CH/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7250FF/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7250FF/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7250GB/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7250GB/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7250GB/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7251/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7251/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7251/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7251FF/01COMPACTA 72, BBS7251FF/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7252EU/02SILENCE 1400W, BBS7252EU/04Silence 1400 W Comfort, BBS7252EU/08SILENCE 1400W COMFORT, BBS7271FF/01COMPACTA 72, BBS7271FF/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7271FF/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7271FF/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7271GB/02COMPACTA 72, BBS7271GB/04COMPACTA 72, BBS7271GB/08COMPACTA 72, BBS7272EU/02SILENCE 1400W, BBS7272EU/04Silence 1400 W, BBS7272EU/08SILENCE 1400W, BBS7970/01EXKLUSIV Compacta, BBS7970/02EXKLUSIV Compacta, BBS7971/02EXKLUSIV Compacta, BBS7971/04EXKLUSIVCOMPACTA, BBS8220/01PERFECTA 82, BBS8240/01PERFECTA 82, BBS8240RK/01PERFECTA 82, BBS8240RK/04PERFECTA 82, BBS8241FF/01PERFECTA 82, BBS8242/01PERFECTA 82, BBS8320/01PERFECTA 83, BBS8320/04PERFECTA 83, BBS8340/01PERFECTA 83, BBS8340/04PERFECTA 83, BBS8340/08PERFECTA 83, BBS8340GB/01PERFECTA 83, BBS8341FF/01PERFECTA 83, BBS8341FF/04PERFECTA 83, BBS8342/01PERFECTA 83, BBS8342/04PERFECTA 83, BBS8342/08PERFECTA 83, BBS8380/01EXKLUSIV PERFECTA, BBS8380/04EXKLUSIV PERFECTA, BBS8380/08EXKLUSIV PERFECTA, BBS8460/01PERFECTA 84, BBS8560/01PERFECTA 85, BBS8560/04PERFECTA 85, BBS8560CH/01PERFECTA 85, BBS8560CH/04PERFECTA 85, BBS8980/01EXKLUSIV PERFECTA, BGL45ZOOO1/01 Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSA1000/02NOVA 10, BSA1000/03Nova 10 1200W, BSA100KA/05sphera mobility, BSA100KA/06sphera mobility, BSA1100/02NOVA 11, BSA1100/05NOVA 11, BSA1100CH/02NOVA 11 1300W, BSA1101/02NOVA 11, BSA1101/05NOVA 11, BSA2000/01sphera 20, BSA2000/02sphera 20, BSA2000/03Sphera 20 1300W, BSA2000/05sphera 20, BSA2000CH/01sphera 20, BSA2000CH/02sphera 20, BSA2000GB/02sphera 20, BSA2001/01SPHERA 21, BSA2001/02sphera 20, BSA2002/02sphera 20, BSA2010/02SPHERA 20 1400W, BSA2010/03SPHERA 20 1400W, BSA2010/05SPHERA 20 1400W, BSA2012/02SPHERA 20 1400W, BSA2012/03SPHERA 20 1400W, BSA2090/02sphera 20, BSA2100/01SPHERA 21, BSA2100/02SPHERA 21, BSA2100/05SPHERA 21, BSA2100AU/02SPHERA 21, BSA2100CH/01SPHERA 21, BSA2100CH/02SPHERA 21, BSA2100GB/02SPHERA 21, BSA2100TC/02SPHERA 21, BSA2100TC/05SPHERA 21, BSA2100UC/02Compact plus 1200W/11Amps, BSA2100UC/05Compact plus 1200W/11Amps, BSA2100UC/06Compact plus 1200W/11Amps, BSA2100UC/10Compact plus 1200W/11Amps, BSA2101UC/06, BSA2101UC/10Compact Plus 1200W 11 Amps, BSA2102/02SPHERA 21, BSA2102EU/02SPHERA, BSA2110/02SILVER EDITION, BSA2110AU/02EDITION 1400W, BSA2120GB/02SPHERA 22, BSA2122/02SPHERA 21, BSA2190/02SPHERA 21, BSA2190/05SPHERA 21, BSA2192/02SPHERA 21 1400W, BSA2200/02SPHERA 22, BSA2200/04SPHERA 22, BSA2200/05SPHERA 22, BSA2200EU/02SPHERA, BSA2200GB/02SPHERA 22, BSA2200MX/02SPHERA 22 1300W, BSA2201/02SPHERA 22, BSA2202/02SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2202/05SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2202GB/02SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2211/02SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2213/02SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2213/05SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2222/02PRO PARQUET 1600W, BSA2222CH/02PRO PARQUET 1600W, BSA2222GB/02PRO PARQUET 1600W, BSA2225/02SPHERA 22, BSA2246/02EXCLUSIV 1600W, BSA2290/02SPHERA 22, BSA2290/05SPHERA 22, BSA2291/02SPHERA 22, BSA2292/02SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2292/05SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2293/02SPHERA 22 1500W, BSA2302/02sphera 23 1400W, BSA2302/05sphera 23 1400W, BSA2311/02Sphera 23 1500W, BSA2311/05Sphera 23 1500W, BSA2312/02Sphera 23 1500W, BSA2312/05Sphera 23 1500W, BSA2313/02Sphera 23 1500W, BSA2313/05Sphera 23 1500W, BSA2322/02sphera 23 1400W, BSA2322/05sphera 23 1400W, BSA2401/02SPHERA 24 1500W, BSA2410/02Silver edition 1600W, BSA2410/05Silver edition 1600W, BSA2421/02SPHERA 24 1500W, BSA2425/02SPHERA 24 1500W, BSA2446/02EXCLUSIV 1600W, BSA2453/02Sphera 24 1600W, BSA2453/05Sphera 24 1600W, BSA2453/06Sphera 24 1600W, BSA2453/09Sphera 24 1600W, BSA2454/02Sphera 24 1600W, BSA2454/05Sphera 24 1600W, BSA2492/03sphera 24 1400W, BSA2492/05sphera 24 1400W, BSA2493/02Sphera 24 1600W, BSA2501/05sphera 25 1500W, BSA2502GB/02Sphera 25 1600W, BSA2502GB/05Sphera 25 1600W, BSA2595/02sphera 25 1500W, BSA2595/05sphera 25 1500W, BSA2600/05sphera 26 1600W, BSA2601/05sphera 26 1600W, BSA2602/02sphera 26 1600W, BSA2602/05sphera 26 1600W, BSA2602/06sphera 26 1600W, BSA2680/09sphera bagless 1800 W, BSA2695/02sphera 26 1600W, BSA2695/05sphera 26 1600W, BSA2700/02Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2700/05Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2710/02Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2710/05Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2733/05Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2733/06Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2754/02Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2791/02Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2791/05Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2796/02Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2796/05Sphera 27 1700W, BSA2800/02Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2800/05Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2800IL/05Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2800RU/09Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2801/06, BSA2801/10Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2810/02Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2810/05Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2810/06Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2822/02Pro Parquet 1800W, BSA2822/05Pro Parquet 1800W, BSA2822/06Pro Parquet 1800W, BSA2822CH/02Pro Parquet 1800W, BSA2822CH/05Pro Parquet 1800W, BSA2822CH/06Pro Parquet 1800W, BSA2822GB/02Pro Parquet 1800W, BSA2822GB/05Pro Parquet 1800W, BSA2833/02Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2833/05Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2834/02Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2834/05Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2835/05powergame 1800W, BSA2835/06powergame 1800W, BSA2882/06, BSA2882/08, BSA2882/09sphera 28 1800 W, BSA2893/02Sphera 28 1800W, BSA2893/05Sphera 28 1800W, BSA3000RU/09 sphera 30 2000W, BSA3010/05sphera 30 2000W, BSA3010/06sphera 30 2000W, BSA3022/09 parquet 2100W, BSA3025RU/09 sphera 30 2000W, BSA3081/09 sphera; Made in Germany, BSA3083/09bagless 2000 W, BSA3100/05sphera 31 2100 W, BSA3100/06sphera 31 2100 W, BSA3100RU/09sphera 31 2100W, BSA3125RU/09sphera 2100W, BSA3133/05Olympic Edition 2100 W, BSA3180/09bag&bagless 2100 W, BSA3200/06sphera 2200W, BSA3280GB/09bagless 2200 W, BSA3510/06, BSA52000/06sphera 30 2000W, BSA52000/10sphera 30 2000W, BSB2080/09 bag # bagless 2000W, BSB2081/09 sphera 20, BSB2180/09 bag • bagless 2100 W, BSB2884/09 sphera bagless 1800 W, BSB2982/09 bag&bagless 1900 W, BSC1100/01SILENCE 1500W, BSC1100/04SILENCE 1500W, BSC1100/05SILENCE 1500W, BSC1101/01CASA 11, BSC1101/04CASA 11, BSC1101/05CASA 11, BSC1102/01CASA 11, BSC1102/04CASA 11, BSC1103GB/01CASA 11, BSC1103GB/04CASA 11, BSC1106/01CASA 11, BSC1106/04CASA 11, BSC1117/05EASY CONTROL 1700W, BSC1135/01EXCLUSIV CASA, BSC1135/04EXKLUSIV casa, BSC1202/05CASA 12, BSD2202/05sphera 22 1500 W, BSD2202/06sphera 22 1500 W, BSD2311/05sphera 23 1500 W, BSD2311/06sphera 23 1500 W, BSD2312/05sphera 23 1500 W, BSD2312/06sphera 23 1500 W, BSD2313/05sphera 23 1500 W, BSD2313/06sphera 23 1500 W, BSD2322/05sphera 23 1400 W, BSD2322/06sphera 23 1400 W, BSD2501/05sphera 25 1500 W, BSD2501/06sphera 25 1500 W, BSD2501/07sphera 25 1500 W, BSD2600/05sphera 26 1600 W, BSD2600/06sphera 26 1600 W, BSD2600/07sphera 26 1600 W, BSD2601/05sphera 26 1600 W, BSD2601/06sphera 26 1600 W, BSD2601/07sphera 26 1600 W, BSD2700RU/06 sphera 27 1700 W, BSD2710/05sphera 27 1700 W, BSD2710/06sphera 27 1700 W, BSD2800/05sphera 28 1800 W, BSD2800/06sphera 28 1800 W, BSD2800RU/06 sphera 28 1800 W, BSD2802/06, BSD2805/06 sphera 28 1800 W, BSD2810/05Sphera 28 1800W, BSD2810/06Sphera 28 1800W, BSD2820/06, BSD2820/09, BSD2822/06, BSD2833/06 sphera 28 1800W, BSD2880/06 Bag bagless 1800W, BSD2880/08 Bag bagless 1800W, BSD2880/09 Bag bagless 1800W, BSD2883/06 bag • bagless 1800 W, BSD2883/08 bag • bagless 1800 W, BSD2883/09 bag • bagless 1800 W, BSD3000RU/06 sphera 30 2000 W, BSD3020/06, BSD3020/12 sphera 30 2000W, BSD3022/06 sphera 30 2000W, BSD3022/12 sphera 30 2000W, BSD3025/06 sphera 2000W, BSD3025/12 sphera 2000W, BSD3025RU/06 sphera 30 2000 W, BSD3080/09 bag & bagless 2000W, BSD3081/09 bag # bagless 2000W, BSD3081/13 bag # bagless 2000W, BSD3081GB/09 bag • bagless 2000 W, BSD3081GB/13 bag • bagless 2000 W, BSD3081GB/14 bag • bagless 2000 W, BSD3083/09 bagbagless 2000W, BSD3180/09 bag • bagless 2100 W, BSD3200GB/06 sphera 32 2200 W, BSD3220/06 sphera 32 2200 W, BSF1000/01ULTRA 10, BSF1000/02ULTRA 10, BSF1000/04ULTRA 10, BSF1000EU/03ULTRA 10, BSF1000EU/04ULTRA 10, BSF1011/04ULTRA 10, BSF1016/04ULTRA 10, BSF1100/01ULTRA 11, BSF1100/02ULTRA 11, BSF1100/04ULTRA 11, BSF1100CH/01ULTRA 11, BSF1100CH/02ULTRA 11, BSF1100CH/04ULTRA 11, BSF1102/01ULTRA 11, BSF1102/02ULTRA 11, BSF1102/04ULTRA 11, BSF1400/04SOLITAIRE ULTRA, BSF1417/04SOLITAIRE ULTRA, BSF92A2001/05 2000W, BSG41700GB/05terrossa 1700W, BSG41700GB/06terrossa 1700W, BSG41800/05terrossa 1800W, BSG41800/06terrossa 1800W, BSG42000/05terrossa 2000W, BSG42000/06terrossa 2000W, BSG42000GB/06 terrossa 2000 W, BSG42402/06 terrossa Parkett 2400W, BSG42500/06 terrossa 2500W, BSG61266/03 logo energy compressor technology hepa, BSG61267/03 logo pro energy compressor technology hepa, BSG61267/04 logo pro energy compressor technology hepa, BSG61600/01logo 1600W, BSG61600/03logo 1600W, BSG61600RU/01, BSG61600RU/03 logo 1600W, BSG61601/04 logo 1600W, BSG61601/09 logo 1600W, BSG61663/03 parquet logo compressor technology, BSG61666/03 logo compressor technology hepa, BSG61666/04 logo compressor technology hepa, BSG61666/09 logo compressor technology hepa, BSG61666GB/03 logo compressor technology hepa, BSG61700/01logo 1700W, BSG61700/03logo, BSG61700RU/01, BSG61700RU/03 logo 1700W, BSG61700RU/04 logo 1700W, BSG61740CH/01, BSG61740CH/03 logo 1700W, BSG61800/01logo 1800W, BSG61800/03logo 1800W, BSG61800/04logo 1800W, BSG61800GB/03 allrounder 1800W, BSG61800RU/01, BSG61800RU/03 logo 1800W, BSG61800RU/04 logo 1800W, BSG61800RU/09 logo 1800W, BSG61800RU/12 logo 1800W, BSG61801GB/04 logo 1800W, BSG61810/04 logo 1800W, BSG61810/09 logo 1800W, BSG61822GB/02ProParquet Plus hepa 1800W, BSG61822GB/03ProParquet Plus hepa 1800W, BSG61830/01logo hepa 1800W, BSG61830/02logo hepa 1800W, BSG61830/03logo hepa 1800W, BSG61831/01logo hepa 1800 W, BSG61831/02logo hepa 1800 W, BSG61831/03logo hepa 1800 W, BSG61832/02 logo hepa plus 1800W, BSG61832/03 logo hepa plus 1800W, BSG61832/04 logo hepa plus 1800W, BSG61833/04 logo hepa 1800W, BSG61833/09 logo hepa 1800W, BSG61840RU/01, BSG61840RU/03 logo 1800W, BSG61870GB/02 Pro Hygienic hepa 1800 W, BSG61870GB/03 Pro Hygienic hepa 1800 W, BSG61877/03 logo hepa 1800 W, BSG61877GB/02Pro Hygienic hepa 1800W, BSG61877GB/03Pro Hygienic hepa 1800W, BSG61880/01, BSG61880/03, BSG61880/04 logo bag & bagless 1800W, BSG61885GB/01 Pro DIY cycle-tech 1800W, BSG61885GB/03 Pro DIY cycle-tech 1800W, BSG61922/01llogo ProParquet II 2000W, BSG61922/02llogo ProParquet II 2000W, BSG61922/03llogo ProParquet II 2000W, BSG6192CH/02llogo ProParquet II 2000W, BSG6192CH/03llogo ProParquet II 2000W, BSG62000/01logo 2000W, BSG62000/02logo 2000W, BSG62000/03logo 2000W, BSG62001/03logo 2000W, BSG62002/03logo 2000W, BSG62002/04logo 2000W, BSG62002/07logo 2000W, BSG62002/09logo 2000W, BSG62003/04logo 2000W, BSG62003/09logo 2000W, BSG62004/04logo 2000W, BSG62004/07logo 2000W, BSG62004/09logo 2000W, BSG62010/03logo, BSG62010/04logo 2000W, BSG62020/04logo parquet 2000W, BSG62020/07logo parquet 2000W, BSG62022/03logo hepa parquet, BSG62022/04 logo hepa parquet 2000W, BSG62022/09 logo hepa parquet 2000W, BSG62023/03 logo ProParquet 3 2000W, BSG62023/04 logo ProParquet 3 2000W, BSG62023/08 logo ProParquet 3 2000W, BSG62030/03logo hepa, BSG62080/02logo bagless 2200 W, BSG62080/03logo bagless 2200 W, BSG62082/02logo bagless sin bolsa 2000 W, BSG62082/03logo bagless sin bolsa 2000 W, BSG62085/02logo bagless 2000 W, BSG62085/03logo bagless 2000 W, BSG62085/04logo bagless 2000 W, BSG6208COE/03 Logo Collection; hepa, bag & bagless 2000W, BSG6208COE/04 Logo Collection; hepa, bag & bagless 2000W, BSG6208COE/09 Logo Collection; hepa, bag & bagless 2000W, BSG62100RU/03logo, BSG62144I/04 logo 2100W, BSG62144I/09 logo 2100W, BSG62144RU/03logo, BSG62185/04 logo bag bagless 2100W, BSG62185/09 logo bag bagless 2100W, BSG62185/12 logo bag bagless 2100W, BSG62186/04 logo bagless 2100 W, BSG62186/09 logo bagless 2100 W, BSG62186/12 logo bagless 2100 W, BSG62200/03logo, BSG62200/04 logo 2200W, BSG62200/09 logo 2200W, BSG62201/04 logo 2200W ProParquet, BSG62201/09 logo 2200W ProParquet, BSG62223/04 logo ProParquet 2200W, BSG62223/09 logo ProParquet 2200W, BSG62282/03 logo bagless sin bolsa parquet 2200 W, BSG62400/03 powermaxx 2400W, BSG62400/04 powermaxx 2400W, BSG62400GB/02 ProPower 2400 W, BSG62400GB/03 ProPower 2400 W, BSG62580/03logo powermaxx bag & bagless 2500W, BSG62580/04logo powermaxx bag & bagless 2500W, BSG71266/07 formula hygienixx Pro Energy compressor technology hep, BSG71266/11 formula hygienixx Pro Energy compressor technology hep, BSG71266GB/07 formula hygienixx Pro Energy compressor technology hep, BSG71266GB/17 formula hygienixx Pro Energy compressor technology hep, BSG71310UC/01formula 1400 W / 12 Amps, BSG71310UC/03formula 1400 W / 12 Amps, BSG71310UC/04formula 1400 W / 12 Amps, BSG71310UC/07formula 1400 W / 12 Amps, BSG71360UC/02formula electro duo hepa 1400W/12Amps, BSG71360UC/03formula electro duo hepa 1400W/12Amps, BSG71360UC/07formula electro duo hepa 1400W/12Amps, BSG71360UC/13formula electro duo hepa 1400W/12Amps, BSG71370UC/02formula electro duo plus hepa 1400, BSG71370UC/03formula electro duo plus hepa 1400, BSG71370UC/07formula electro duo plus hepa 1400, BSG71370UC/13formula electro duo plus hepa 1400, BSG71466/07 formula hygienixx compressor tecnology hepa, BSG71466/14 formula hygienixx compressor tecnology hepa, BSG71666/07 formula hygienixx compressor technology hepa, BSG71666/14 formula hygienixx compressor technology hepa, BSG71666/17 formula hygienixx compressor technology hepa, BSG71668/07 TheOne compressor technology, BSG71800/01formula 1800W, BSG71800/03formula 1800W, BSG71800/04formula 1800W, BSG71800/07formula 1800W, BSG71800GB/04 formula hygienixx 1800 W, BSG71800GB/07 formula hygienixx 1800 W, BSG71801/01formula 1800W, BSG71801/03formula 1800W, BSG71801/04formula 1800W, BSG71810/01formula 1800W, BSG71810/03formula 1800W, BSG71810/04formula 1800W, BSG71810/07formula 1800W, BSG71810CH/01formula 1800W, BSG71810CH/03formula 1800W, BSG71810CH/04formula 1800W, BSG71810GB/01formula 1800W, BSG71810GB/03formula 1800W, BSG71810GB/04formula 1800W, BSG71810GB/07formula 1800W, BSG71810IL/01formula 1800 Watt, BSG71810IL/03formula 1800 Watt, BSG71810IL/04formula 1800 Watt, BSG71825/01formula ProAnimaux 1800W, BSG71825/03formula ProAnimaux 1800W, BSG71825/04formula ProAnimaux 1800W, BSG71825/07formula ProAnimaux 1800W, BSG71825AU/01formula Pro Pets 1800W, BSG71825AU/03formula Pro Pets 1800W, BSG71825AU/04formula Pro Pets 1800W, BSG71825AU/07formula Pro Pets 1800W, BSG71825GB/01formula ProPets 1800W, BSG71825GB/03formula ProPets 1800W, BSG71825GB/04formula ProPets 1800W, BSG71826/01formula 1800W, BSG71826/03formula 1800W, BSG71826/04formula 1800W, BSG71826/07formula 1800W, BSG71830/01formula hepa 1800W, BSG71830/03formula hepa 1800W, BSG71830/04formula hepa 1800W, BSG71830/07formula hepa 1800W, BSG71830AU/01formula hepa 1800W, BSG71830AU/03formula hepa 1800W, BSG71830AU/04formula hepa 1800W, BSG71830AU/07formula hepa 1800W, BSG71835/01 formula hepa 1800 Watt, BSG71835/03 formula hepa 1800 Watt, BSG71835/04 formula hepa 1800 Watt, BSG71835/07 formula hepa 1800 Watt, BSG71840/01formula hepa 1800W, BSG71840/02formula hepa 1800W, BSG71840/03formula hepa 1800W, BSG71840/04formula hepa 1800W, BSG71840/05formula hepa 1800W, BSG71840/07formula hepa 1800W, BSG71842/04 Formula hepa plus 1800W, BSG71842/07 Formula hepa plus 1800W, BSG71842/10 Formula hepa plus 1800W, BSG71842/16 Formula hepa plus 1800W, BSG71866/01formula ProSilence 1800W, BSG71866/03formula ProSilence 1800W, BSG71866/04formula ProSilence 1800W, BSG71866/07formula ProSilence 1800W, BSG71866AU/01formula ProSilence 1800W, BSG71866AU/03formula ProSilence 1800W, BSG71866AU/04formula ProSilence 1800W, BSG71866AU/07formula ProSilence 1800W, BSG71877/07 formula hygienixx maxx for Kids hepa 1800W, BSG72000/01formula 2000W, BSG72000/03formula 2000W, BSG72000/04formula 2000W, BSG72000/07formula 2000W, BSG72000/13formula 2000W, BSG72000/15formula 2000W, BSG72000/16formula 2000W, BSG72022/01formula Pro Parquet 2000 Watt, BSG72022/03formula Pro Parquet 2000 Watt, BSG72022/04formula Pro Parquet 2000 Watt, BSG72022/07formula Pro Parquet 2000 Watt, BSG72022CH/01formula Pro Parquet 2000 Watt, BSG72022CH/03formula Pro Parquet 2000 Watt, BSG72022CH/04formula Pro Parquet 2000 Watt, BSG72025GB/04 formula Pro Pets 2000 Watt, BSG72025GB/07 formula Pro Pets 2000 Watt, BSG72070GB/07 formula ProHygienic hepa 2000W, BSG72077/01formula Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 Wa, BSG72077/03formula Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 Wa, BSG72077/04formula Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 Wa, BSG72077/07formula Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 Wa, BSG72200/01 formula powermax 2200 Watt, BSG72200/03formula powermax 2200W, BSG72200/04formula powermax 2200W, BSG72200/07formula powermax 2200W, BSG72200GB/11 performance 2200W, BSG72200GB/15 performance 2200W, BSG72210/15 formula hygienixx 2200W, BSG72212/07 formula hygienixx 2200 W, BSG72212/11 formula hygienixx 2200 W, BSG72212/15 formula hygienixx 2200 W, BSG72212/17 formula hygienixx 2200 W, BSG72222/07 formula hygienixx Pro Parquet Hepa 2200W, BSG72222/11 formula hygienixx Pro Parquet Hepa 2200W, BSG72223/11 formula hygienixx ProParquet 3 hepa 2200W, BSG72223/15 formula hygienixx ProParquet 3 hepa 2200W, BSG72225/07 formula hygienixx Pro Animal Hair 2200W, BSG72225/09 formula hygienixx Pro Animal Hair 2200W, BSG72225/11 formula hygienixx Pro Animal Hair 2200W, BSG72225/15 formula hygienixx Pro Animal Hair 2200W, BSG72225/17 formula hygienixx Pro Animal Hair 2200W, BSG72225GB/07 pet & carpet specialist 2200W, BSG72225GB/11 pet & carpet specialist 2200W, BSG72225GB/15 pet & carpet specialist 2200W, BSG72226/11 formula hygienixx 2200W hepa, BSG72227/15 Formula Hygienixx ProAnimal Hair, BSG72230/07 formula hygienixx hepa 2200 W, BSG72230/11 formula hygienixx hepa 2200 W, BSG72230/15 formula hygienixx hepa 2200 W, BSG72233/15 formula hygienixx hepa 2200W, BSG72233GB/11 solution specialist 2200W, BSG72233GB/15 solution specialist 2200W, BSG72510/07 formula powermaxx 2500W, BSG72510/18 formula powermaxx 2500W, BSG72510/19 formula powermaxx 2500W, BSG72511/07 formula powermaxx 2500W, BSG72530/19 Formula ProPower 2500W, BSG81000/10ergomaxx professional 1000, BSG81022/14 ergomaxx professional 1000, BSG81030/14ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81215UC/01Beetle dual tech 11 Amps / 1300, BSG81261/14ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81261/20ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81265UC/01 Beetle dual tech 12 Amps / 1400, BSG81266/01 ergomaxx professional Pro Energy compressor technology, BSG81266/09 ergomaxx professional Pro Energy compressor technology, BSG81266/10 ergomaxx professional Pro Energy compressor technology, BSG81266/14 ergomaxx professional Pro Energy compressor technology, BSG81266/15 ergomaxx professional Pro Energy compressor technology, BSG81266AU/10ergomaxx professional Pro Energy compressor technology hepa, BSG81266AU/14ergomaxx professional Pro Energy compressor technology hepa, BSG81266CH/09 Pro Energy Pro Animal Hair compressor technology hepa, BSG81266CH/10 Pro Energy Pro Animal Hair compressor technology hepa, BSG81266CH/14 Pro Energy Pro Animal Hair compressor technology hepa, BSG81313UC/01ultra 11Amps/1300W, BSG81313UC/03ultra 11 Amps/1300W, BSG81313UC/06ultra 11 Amps/1300W, BSG81335UC/01Ultra Health Guard 1400W 12Amps, BSG81335UC/03Ultra Health Guard 1400W 12Amps, BSG81360/14 ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81360UC/03Premium electro duo H 12Amps 1400W, BSG81365UC/01Ultra Health Guard Plus 1400W 12Amps, BSG81365UC/03Ultra Health Guard Plus 1400W12Amps, BSG81370UC/03Premium electro duo HC 1400W / 12 Amps, BSG81380UC/03Premium electro duo XXL腍C 12Amps/1450W, BSG81396UC/01Ultra Platinum 1450W 12Amps, BSG81396UC/03Ultra Platinum 1450W 12Amps, BSG81455/14 Limited Edition compressor technology hepa, BSG81466/09 ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81466/14 ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81468/14 TheOne compressor technology, BSG81470/15ergomaxx professional, BSG81472/15ergomaxx professional, BSG81474/15ergomaxx professional, BSG81476/15ergomaxx professional, BSG81623/01 ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor technoly, BSG81623/09 ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor technoly, BSG81623/10 ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor technoly, BSG81623/14 ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor technoly, BSG81623/15 ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor technoly, BSG81666/01 ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81666/09 ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81666/10 ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81666/14 ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81666/15 ergomaxx professional compressor technology hepa, BSG81800AU/01ergomaxx 1800W, BSG81801/01ergomaxx 1800W, BSG81810AU/01ergomaxx 1800W, BSG81880/01ergomaxx dual filtration technology 1800, BSG81880GB/01ergomaxx 1800W dual filtration technolog, BSG81885/01ergomaxx dual filtration technology 1800, BSG82000/01ergomaxx 2000W, BSG82000GB/01ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82001/01ergomaxx 2000W, BSG82001IL/01ergomaxx 2000 W, BSG82010/01ergomaxx 2000W, BSG82010/07ergomaxx 2000W, BSG82010/10ergomaxx 2000W, BSG82010/14ergomaxx 2000W, BSG82010/16ergomaxx 2000W, BSG82012/01ergomaxx silver edition 2000W, BSG82012/02ergomaxx silver edition 2000W, BSG82020/04ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82020/09ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82020/10ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82022/01Ergomaxx proparquet premium 2000W, BSG82022GB/01ergomaxx ProParquet 2000W, BSG82030/01ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82030AU/01ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82030AU/10ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82032/04 ergomaxx hepa plus 2000W, BSG82032/05 ergomaxx hepa plus 2000W, BSG82040/01ergomaxx hepa active 2000W, BSG82040/04ergomaxx hepa active 2000W, BSG82050/01ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82050/04ergomaxx hepa 2000W, BSG82060/01ergomaxx hepa activ 2000W, BSG82060CH/01ergomaxx hepa active 2000W, BSG82060CH/02ergomaxx hapa active 2000W, BSG82070/01ergomaxx hepa activ 2000W, BSG82077/01Ergomaxx prohygienic hepa 2000w, BSG82077AU/01 ergomaxx Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 W, BSG82077AU/10 ergomaxx Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 W, BSG82077CH/01 ergomaxx Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 W, BSG82077CH/10 ergomaxx Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 W, BSG82090/01ergomaxx hepa activ 2000W, BSG82090/02ergomaxx hepa active 2000W, BSG82200GB/01NORDKAP-BLAU, BSG82200GB/10NORDKAP-BLAU, BSG82212/01 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82212/07 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82212/09 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82212/10 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82212/14 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82212/15 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82213/12ergomaxx professional 2200W, BSG82213/14ergomaxx professional 2200W, BSG82213/15ergomaxx professional 2200W, BSG82214/15 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82215/01ergomaxx 2200 W, BSG82216/15 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82222/01ergomaxx Pro Parquet 2200 W, BSG82230/02ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200W, BSG82230/09ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200W, BSG82230/10ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200W, BSG82230/14ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200W, BSG82230/15ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200W, BSG82230CH/01ergomaxx professional 2200W, BSG82230CH/10ergomaxx professional 2200W, BSG82230CH/14ergomaxx professional 2200W, BSG82230CH/15ergomaxx professional 2200W, BSG82231/15 ergomaxx professional 2200 W, BSG82277/01ergomaxx Pro Hygienic 2200 W, BSG82422/01 ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W, BSG82422/10 ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W, BSG82422/14 ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W, BSG82422/15 ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W, BSG82422/17 ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W, BSG82422/21 ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W, BSG82425/02 ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W, BSG82425/10 ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W, BSG82425/14 ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W, BSG82425/17 ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W, BSG82425/18 ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W, BSG82425N/18 ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400 W, BSG82425N/23 ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400 W, BSG82433/17ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa, BSG82433/23ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa, BSG82480/08 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480/10 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480/14 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480/15 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480/17 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480/19 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480AU/10 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480AU/14 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480AU/15 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82480AU/17 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82485/01ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82485/08ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82485/10ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W, BSG82490/02 ergomaxx professional hepa active 2400W, BSG82490/10 ergomaxx professional hepa active 2400W, BSG82502/01ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W, BSG82502/12ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W, BSG82502/14ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W, BSG82502/15ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W, BSG82502/17ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W, BSG82502/23ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W, BSG82503/17 ergomaxx professional 2500 W, BSG82503/23 ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W, BSG82504/23 ergomaxx professional, BSG82505/23 ergomaxx professional, BSG82515/17 ergomaxx professional ProPower hepa 2500 W, BSG82515/23 ergomaxx professional ProPower hepa 2500 W, BSG82603/17 ergomaxx professional, BSG8330/14ergomaxx professional,hepa, BSG8PRO1/02 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1/09 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1/10 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1/15 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO11/02 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO11/09 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO11/10 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO11/15 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO12/09 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO12/15 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1AU/10 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1AU/15 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1GB/02 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1GB/09 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1GB/10 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1GB/15 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO1GB/22 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO2/09 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO2/15BODCH Home Professional long-life compressor, BSG8PRO3/14 Home Professional long-life compressor, BSGL2MOV21/09, BSGL2MOV22/09, BSGL2MOV30/09, BSGL2MOV30/11, BSGL2MOV31/09, BSGL2MOV31/11, BSGL2MOVE1/09, BSGL2MOVE2/09, BSGL2MOVE3/09, BSGL2MOVE4/09, BSGL2MOVE9/09, BSGL3015GB/03 AirFresh System 2000W, BSGL31232/03 GL-30 Pro energy hepa parquet, BSGL31261/03 GL-30 compressor technology, BSGL31266/03 GL-30 Pro energy, BSGL3126GB/03 GL-30 Pro energy, BSGL31415/03 Bionic Filter compressor technology, BSGL31425/03 Bionic Filter Pro Animal Hair compressor technology, BSGL31460/03 GL-30 compressor technology, BSGL31465/03 GL-30 compressor technology, BSGL31466/03 GL-30 compressor technology, BSGL31700/03 GL-30 1700W, BSGL31800/03 GL-30 1800W, BSGL3180GB/03 GL-30 1800W, BSGL32000/03 GL-30 2000W, BSGL32015/03 Bionic Filter 2000W, BSGL32021/03 GL-30 Parquet 2000W, BSGL32022/03 GL-30 2000W ProParquet, BSGL32023/03 GL-30 ProParquet 2000W, BSGL32029/03 GL-30 Parquet 2000W, BSGL32030/03 GL-30 hepa 2000W, BSGL3205GB/03 GL-30 pet hair & carpet 2000W, BSGL3210RU/03 GL-30 2100W, BSGL32115/03 Bionic Filter hepa 2100W, BSGL32125/03 Pro Animal Hair 2100W, BSGL32180/03 GL-30 Bag&bagless 2100 W, BSGL32180/09 GL-30 Bag&bagless 2100 W, BSGL32200/03 GL-30 2200W, BSGL3220IL/03 GL-30 2200W, BSGL32210/03 GL-30 2200W, BSGL32211/03 GL-30 2200W, BSGL32222/03 Bionic Filter hepa parquet 2200W, BSGL32223/03 GL-30 ProParquet 2200W, BSGL32223/08 GL-30 ProParquet 2200W, BSGL32225/03 GL-30 2200 W, BSGL3222RU/03 Bionic Filter hepa parquet 2200W, BSGL32238/03 hepa parquet 2200W, BSGL32260/03 GL-30 2200W hepa parquet, BSGL32282/03 GL-30 bag&bagless parquet hepa 2200W, BSGL3228GB/03 GL-30 bag&bagless 2200 W, BSGL3228GB/09 GL-30 bag&bagless 2200 W, BSGL3228GB/12 GL-30 bag&bagless 2200 W, BSGL3228IL/03 GL-30 2200W, BSGL322XXL/03 GL-30 2200W XXL, BSGL32383/03 GL-30 bag&bagless hepa 2300W, BSGL32383/09 GL-30 bag&bagless hepa 2300W, BSGL32383/12 GL-30 bag&bagless hepa 2300W, BSGL32386/03 GL-30 Bag&bagless hepa parquet 2300W, BSGL32386/09 GL-30 Bag&bagless hepa parquet 2300W, BSGL3238IL/03 GL-30 Bag&bagless hepa parquet 2300 W, BSGL3238IL/12 GL-30 Bag&bagless hepa parquet 2300 W, BSGL32400/03 GL-30 2400W, BSGL3240GB/03 GL-30 2400W, BSGL32480/03 GL-30 Bag&bagless hepa parquet 2400 W, BSGL32480/09 GL-30 Bag&bagless hepa parquet 2400 W, BSGL32500/03 GL-30 2500W, BSGL32510/03 ProPower 2500W, BSGL32525/03 GL-30 2500W, BSGL32530/03 ProPower 2500W, BSGL32540/03 ProPower 2500 W, BSGL32XLAU/03 GL-30 2200W XXL, BSGL4000GB/01 allrounder 2000 Watt, BSGL4022GB/01 Hard floor specialist, BSGL41225/01 GL-40 ProAnimal Hair, BSGL41266/01 GL-40 Pro energy compressor technology, BSGL412M1/01 GL-40 Exclusiv Compressor Technology, BSGL41666/01 GL-40 Compressor Technology hepa, BSGL41674/01 GL-40 Compressor Technology parquet hepa, BSGL4200AU/01 GL-40 2000W, BSGL42080/01 GL-40 bagless 2000W, BSGL42180/01 GL-40 bagless 2100W, BSGL42223/01 GL-40 pro parquet hepa 2200W, BSGL42232/01 GL-40 automatic hepa parquet 2200W, BSGL4223AU/01 GL-40 automatic hepa parquet 2200W, BSGL42280/01 GL-40 bag & bagless hepa 2200W, BSGL42281/01 GL-40 bagless hepa 2200W, BSGL42282/01 GL-40 bagless pro parquet hepa 2200W, BSGL42283/01 GL-40 bagless pro parquet hepa 2200W, BSGL4228IL/01 GL-40 bag&bagless hepa 2200W, BSGL51266/01 Free'e ProEnergy, BSGL51266/02 Free'e ProEnergy, BSGL51269/01 Free'e Pro Energy, BSGL51269/02 Free'e Pro Energy, BSGL5126GB/01 GL-50 Pro Energy, BSGL5126GB/02 GL-50 Pro Energy, BSGL51300/01 Free'e compressor technology, BSGL51300/02 Free'e compressor technology, BSGL51310/01 Free'e compressor technology, BSGL51310/02 Free'e compressor technology, BSGL51325/01 Free'e ProAnimal Hair, BSGL51325/02 Free'e ProAnimal Hair, BSGL51332/01 Free'e compressor technology, BSGL51332/08 Free'e compressor technology, BSGL51338/02 Free'e ProParquet, BSGL513M1/01 Free'e EXCLUSIV Compressor Technology, BSGL513M1/02 Free'e EXCLUSIV Compressor Technology, BSGL52130/01 free'e 2100W, BSGL52130/02 free'e 2100W, BSGL52200/01 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52200/02 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52201/02Free'e 2200 W, BSGL52202/02Free'e 2200W, BSGL5220CH/01, BSGL5220CH/02 Free'e 2200W, BSGL5220CH/07 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52221/02 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52222/02Free'e 2200W, BSGL52225/02 Free'e Pro Animal 2200W, BSGL52230/01 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52230/02 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52231/02 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52232/01 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52233/01Free'e Pro Parquet 2200W, BSGL52233/02Free'e Pro Parquet 2200W, BSGL52235/01 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52235/02 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52236/01 free'e 2200W hepa, BSGL52236/02 free'e 2200W hepa, BSGL52237/02 Free'e 2200W, BSGL52238/02 Pro Parquet 2200W, BSGL52242/01 Free'e 2200W ProAnimal Hair, BSGL52242/02 Free'e 2200W ProAnimal Hair, BSGL52245/02Free'e Parquet 2200W, BSGL52255/02Free'e 2200W, BSGL5225GB/01 GL-50 pet hair & carpet 2200W AirFreshFilter, BSGL5225GB/02 GL-50 pet hair & carpet 2200W AirFreshFilter, BSGL52300/01 Free'e 2300W, BSGL52300/02 Free'e 2300W, BSGL52322/01 Free'e 2300W, BSGL52322/02 Free'e 2300W, BSGL52322/03 Free'e 2300W, BSGL52422/02Free'e 2400 W, BSGL5242AU/02Free'e Parquet Specialist, Hepa, 2400 W, BSGL52432/02Free'e 2400W, BSGL52444/02 Free'e 2400W, BSGL5244AU/02 Free'e Animal Hepa+TurboBrush 2400W Made in Germany, BSGL52530/02 Free'e ProPower 2500W, BSGL52531/02Free'e ProPower 2500W, BSGL52532/02Free'e ProPower 2500W hepa parquet, BSGL5255AU/02Free'e All Floor Specialist, Hepa, 2500 W, BSGL5310/02, BSGL5318/02Free'e, BSGL5318/10Free'e, BSGL5319/02Free'e, BSGL5320/02 Free'e Allergy, BSGL5320/10 Free'e Allergy, BSGL5331/02 Free'e Allergy, BSGL5331/10 Free'e Allergy, BSGL5332/02 Free'e ProSilence Allergy, BSGL5332/10 Free'e ProSilence Allergy, BSGL5335/10GL-50, BSGL5400/10 Free'e AllergyPlus, BSGL5409/10 Free'e AllergyPlus, BSGL5850/02Free'e 850 W ProEnergy, BSGL5AL2GB/02GL-50 Power All Floor Allergy, BSGL5AL2GB/10GL-50 Power All Floor Allergy, BSGL5ALL1/02Free'e Allergy, BSGL5ALL1/10Free'e Allergy, BSGL5ALLGB/02Power All Floor HEPA 2200 W Made in Germany, BSGL5PET1/02Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5PETGB/02GL-50 Power Animal Hepa 2200W, BSGL5PRO1/01Free'e Home Professional, BSGL5PRO1/08Free'e Home Professional, BSGL5PRO3/02Home Professional, BSGL5PRO4/01HomeProfessional Hepa Parquet, BSGL5PROGB/01Free'e Home Professional, BSGL5PROGB/02Free'e Home Professional, BSGL5PT2GB/02GL-50 Power Animal 2 Allergy, BSGL5PT2GB/10GL-50 Power Animal 2 Allergy, BSGL5ZOO2/02Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOO2/10Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOOAU/02Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOOAU/09Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOOCH/07Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOOCH/09Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOODE/02Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOOO1/02Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOOO1/09Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOOO2/02Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL5ZOOO3/02Zoo'o ProAnimal, BSGL71266GB/07 formula hygienixx Pro Energy compressor technology hep, BSGMOVE1CH/09, BSGMOVE1GB/09, BSGMOVE2GB/09, BSGMOVE3GB/09, BX31800/04 BX3 1800 W, BX31800/05 BX3 1800 W, BX31810/04 BX3 1800 W, BX31810/05 BX3 1800 W, BX32100/04 BX3 2100 W, BX32100/05 BX3 2100 W, BX32110GB/05 BX3 2100 W, BX32131/04 BX3 hepa 2100 W, BX32131/05 BX3 hepa 2100 W, BX32132/05 BX3 hepa parquet 2100 W, BX32197GB/05 BX3 pets 2100 W, BX32430GB/05 BX3 power hepa 2400 W, BX32531/05 BX3 hepa 2400W
       Siemens:  VS04DO1FF/08Domeos 2000W, VS04G1600/05rapid 1600W, VS04G170GB/05rapid 1700W, VS04G1710/05rapid 1700W, VS04G1710/06rapid 1700W, VS04G1800/05rapid 1800W, VS04G1800/06rapid 1800W, VS04G180CH/05rapid 1800W, VS04G2000/05rapid 2000W, VS04G2000/06rapid 2000W, VS04G2001/06 rapid 2000W, VS04G2080/06 >signet< cycle-tech rapid 2000 W, VS04G2080/08 >signet< cycle-tech rapid 2000 W, VS04G2081/06 >signet< cycle-tech rapid 2000, VS04G2081/08 >signet< cycle-tech rapid 2000, VS04G2100/05rapid 2100W, VS04G2100/06rapid 2100W, VS04G2200/06 rapid 2200 W, VS04G2300/06 rapid 2300W, VS04G2301/06 rapid 2300W, VS04G2400/06 rapid 2400W, VS04G2502/06 rapid parquet 2500W, VS05G2510/03, VS05G2555/03 synchropower bag & bagless 2500 W, VS06G1266/03 synchropower energy specialist hepa, VS06G126CH/03 synchropower energy specialist hepa, VS06G1466/03 energy specialist, VS06G1600/01synchropower 1600W, VS06G1600/03synchropower 1600W, VS06G1600/09synchropower 1600W, VS06G1601/01synchropower 1600 W, VS06G1601/03synchropower 1600 W, VS06G160RU/01synchropower 1600 W, VS06G160RU/03synchropower 1600 W, VS06G1666/03 synchropower compressor technologie hepa, VS06G1666/09 synchropower compressor technologie hepa, VS06G1667/03 synchropower compressor technology hepa, VS06G1668/03 campus compressor technology, VS06G1668/09 campus compressor technology, VS06G1700/01synchropower 1700 W, VS06G1700/03synchropower 1700 W, VS06G170RU/01synchropower 1700 W, VS06G170RU/03synchropower 1700 W, VS06G1800/01synchropower 1800 W, VS06G1800/03synchropower 1800 W, VS06G1800/09synchropower 1800 W, VS06G1801/01synchropower 1800 W, VS06G1801/03synchropower 1800 W, VS06G1802/03 synchropower 1800 W, VS06G1802/09 synchropower 1800 W, VS06G1803/03SIEMES synchropower 1800W, VS06G1803/09SIEMES synchropower 1800W, VS06G180RU/01synchropower 1800 W, VS06G180RU/03synchropower 1800 W, VS06G1812/03 synchropower 1800W, parquet, VS06G1812/09 synchropower 1800W, parquet, VS06G1814/03 synchropower parquet 1800W, VS06G1814/09 synchropower parquet 1800W, VS06G1822/01synchropower stone&wood 1800 W, VS06G1822/02synchropower stone&wood 1800 W, VS06G1822/03synchropower stone&wood 1800 W, VS06G1824/03 synchropower 1800W parquet, VS06G1830/01synchropower hepa 1800W, VS06G1830/02synchropower hepa 1800W, VS06G1830/03synchropower hepa 1800W, VS06G1831/01synchropower hepa 1800 W, VS06G1831/02synchropower hepa 1800 W, VS06G1831/03synchropower hepa 1800 W, VS06G1832/02 Synchropower Parquet Specialist Plus hepa 1800W, VS06G1832/03 Synchropower Parquet Specialist Plus hepa 1800W, VS06G2000/01synchropower 2000 W, VS06G2000/02synchropower 2000 W, VS06G2000/03synchropower 2000 W, VS06G2001/01, VS06G2001/03, VS06G2001/07 synchropower 2000W, VS06G2001/09 synchropower 2000W, VS06G2004/03 synchropower 2000 W, VS06G2004/07 synchropower 2000 W, VS06G2004/09 synchropower 2000 W, VS06G2012/03 synchropower 2000W parquet, VS06G2012/07 synchropower 2000W parquet, VS06G2012/09 synchropower 2000W parquet, VS06G201CH/03 synchropower 2000W, VS06G201CH/06 synchropower 2000W, VS06G2022/02 synchropower parquet specialist 2000 W, VS06G2022/03 synchropower parquet specialist 2000 W, VS06G202CH/03 synchropower 2000 W, VS06G2030/02synchropower hepa 2000 W, VS06G2030/03synchropower hepa 2000 W, VS06G2031/03 synchropower 2000W, VS06G2031/09 synchropower 2000W, VS06G2032/03 synchropower 2000 W, hepa parquet, VS06G2032/09 synchropower 2000 W, hepa parquet, VS06G2044/01synchropower pure & brush 2000 W, VS06G2044/02synchropower pure & brush 2000 W, VS06G2044/03synchropower pure & brush 2000 W, VS06G2080/02synchropower bagless 2200W, VS06G2080/03synchropower bagless 2200W, VS06G2080/09synchropower bagless 2200W, VS06G2080/12synchropower bagless 2200W, VS06G208CH/02 synchropower bagless 2200 W, VS06G208CH/03 synchropower bagless 2200 W, VS06G208GB/03 synchropower bagless 2200 W, VS06G208GB/09 synchropower bagless 2200 W, VS06G208GB/12 synchropower bagless 2200 W, VS06G2200/03 synchropower 2200 W, VS06G2200/09 synchropower 2200 W, VS06G2201/03 synchropower 2200W, VS06G2202/03 synchropower 2200 W, VS06G2202/09 synchropower 2200 W, VS06G220CH/03 synchropower 2200W, VS06G2215/03 synchropower bionic filter, VS06G2222/03 synchropower 2200 W, VS06G2222/09 synchropower 2200 W, VS06G2225/03 Tierhaar Spezialist synchropower 2200W, VS06G224RU/03 synchropower 2200W, VS06G2380/03 synchropower bagless 2300W, VS06G2401/03 synchropower 2400W white edition, VS06G2402/03 synchropower 2400W, VS06G2410/01, VS06G2410/03 synchropower 2400 W power edition, VS06G2410/09 synchropower 2400 W power edition, VS06G2411/03 synchropower bag bagless 2400W, VS06G2413/03 synchropower 2400 W power edition, VS06G2422/03 synchropower parquet 2400W, VS06G2424/03 synchropower parquet 2400W, VS06G2424/09 synchropower parquet 2400W, VS06G2483/03 synchropower bag bagless 2400W, VS06G24XL9/03 XXL 2400W, VS06G24XL9/09 XXL 2400W, VS06G24XXL/03 XXL 2400W, VS06G2500/03 synchropower power edition 2500 W, VS06G2502/03 synchropower power edition 2500 W, VS06G2502/09 synchropower power edition 2500 W, VS06G2510/02 synchropower bag & bagless 2500W, VS06G2510/03 synchropower bag & bagless 2500W, VS06G2510/09 synchropower bag & bagless 2500W, VS06G2510/12 synchropower bag & bagless 2500W, VS06G2511/02 synchropower bag & bagless 2500W, VS06G2511/03 synchropower bag & bagless 2500W, VS06G251GB/03 synchropower bag & bagless 2500 W, VS06G251GB/09 synchropower bag & bagless 2500 W, VS06G251GB/12 synchropower bag & bagless 2500 W, VS06G2525/03 synchropower bag&bagless 2500W, VS06G2530/03 synchropower hepa 2500W, VS06G2535/03 synchropower bag & bagless hepa 2500 W, VS06G2545/03 synchropower bag & bagless hepa 2500 W, VS06G26XXL/03 XXL 2600W, VS06GP1264/03 compressor technology green power edition, VS06GP1266/03 compressor technology green power edition, VS06GP1267/03 compressor technology green power edition, VS06GP1268/03 compressor technology green power edition, VS06GXXLCH/03 XXL 2400W, VS06JL1GB/03John Lewis 1800W, VS06PR32/02privileg compactclean 3 1800W Hepa-Filtersystem, VS06PR32/03privileg compactclean 3 1800W Hepa-Filtersystem, VS06PR33/03privileg, VS07G1266/06 hygienic power energy specialist compressor technolo, VS07G1266/11 hygienic power energy specialist compressor technolo, VS07G1466/11 hygienic power compressor technology hepa, VS07G1666/06 hygienic power compressor technology hepa, VS07G1666/17 hygienic power compressor technology hepa, VS07G1800/01technopower 1800W, VS07G1800/03technopower 1800W, VS07G1800/04technopower 1800W, VS07G1801/01technopower 1800W, VS07G1801/03technopower 1800W, VS07G1801/04technopower 1800W, VS07G180CH/01technopower 1800W, VS07G180CH/03technopower 1800W, VS07G180CH/04technopower 1800W, VS07G180CH/12technopower 1800W, VS07G1822/01technopower stone&wood 1800W, VS07G1822/03technopower stone&wood 1800W, VS07G1822/04technopower stone&wood 1800W, VS07G1830/01technopower hepa 1800W, VS07G1830/03technopower hepa 1800W, VS07G1830/04technopower hepa 1800W, VS07G1831/04, VS07G1835/01technopower hepa 1800 W, VS07G1835/03technopower hepa 1800 W, VS07G1835/04technopower hepa 1800 W, VS07G1836/04 technopower hepa 1800 W, VS07G1840/01technopower hepa 1800W, VS07G1840/03technopower hepa 1800W, VS07G1840/04technopower hepa 1800W, VS07G1840/08technopower hepa 1800W, VS07G1841/08 technopower hepa 1800W, VS07G1842/04 technopower parquet specialist plus hepa 1800W, VS07G1842/08 technopower parquet specialist plus hepa 1800W, VS07G1842/10 technopower parquet specialist plus hepa 1800W, VS07G1843/06 extraKLASSE champion hepa 1800W, VS07G1866/01technopower sound&silence 1800W, VS07G1866/03technopower sound&silence 1800W, VS07G1866/04technopower sound&silence 1800W, VS07G1866/05technopower sound&silence 1800W, VS07G1890/08 technopower hepa 1800 W, VS07G2000/01technopower 2000W, VS07G2000/03technopower 2000W, VS07G2000/04technopower 2000W, VS07G200CH/01technopower 2000W, VS07G200CH/03technopower 2000W, VS07G200CH/04technopower 2000W, VS07G200L/04technopower 2000 Watt limited e, VS07G2031/01technopower 2000W, VS07G2031/03technopower 2000W, VS07G2031/04technopower 2000W, VS07G2031/05technopower 2000W, VS07G2200/04 technopower 2200 Watt, VS07G2200/15 technopower 2200 Watt, VS07G2201/15 technopower 2200W, VS07G2202/15 technopower 2200W, VS07G2210/15 technopower 2200 Watt, VS07G2212/04 technopower 2200 Watt Made in Germany, VS07G2212/06 technopower 2200 Watt Made in Germany, VS07G2212/11 technopower 2200 Watt Made in Germany, VS07G2212/15 technopower 2200 Watt Made in Germany, VS07G2213/11 hygienic power 2200 W, VS07G2213/15 hygienic power 2200 W, VS07G2222/06 hygienic power parquet specialist hepa 2200W, VS07G2222/11 hygienic power parquet specialist hepa 2200W, VS07G2222/15 hygienic power parquet specialist hepa 2200W, VS07G2225/06 hygienic power Hair free specialist 2200W, VS07G2225/09 hygienic power Hair free specialist 2200W, VS07G2225/11 hygienic power Hair free specialist 2200W, VS07G222CH/15 hygienic power parquet specialist hepa 2200W, VS07G2230/06 hygienic power hepa 2200 W, VS07G2230/11 hygienic power hepa 2200 W, VS07G22EX/15 technopower 2200 Watt, VS07G2402/15 technopower 2400W, VS07G2402/19 technopower 2400W, VS07G2600/07 technopower 2600W, VS07G2600/19 technopower 2600W, VS07GP1265/11 hygienic power parquet specialist hepa 2200W, VS07GP1266/11 compressor technology green power edition, VS07GP1266/14 compressor technology green power edition, VS07GP1266/17 compressor technology green power edition, VS07GP1267/11 compressor technology green power edition, VS07GP1267/17 compressor technology green power edition, VS07GP1269/11 compressor technology green power plus, VS08G1223/03 dynapower XXL parquet specialist compressor technolo, VS08G1223/09 dynapower XXL parquet specialist compressor technolo, VS08G1223/14 dynapower XXL parquet specialist compressor technolo, VS08G1223/15 dynapower XXL parquet specialist compressor technolo, VS08G1266/03 dynapower XXL energy specialist compressor technolog, VS08G1266/09 dynapower XXL energy specialist compressor technolog, VS08G1266/14 dynapower XXL energy specialist compressor technolog, VS08G1623/03 dynapower XXL parquet specialist compressor technolo, VS08G1623/09 dynapower XXL parquet specialist compressor technolo, VS08G1623/14 dynapower XXL parquet specialist compressor technolo, VS08G1666/03 dynapower XXL compressor technology hepa, VS08G1666/09 dynapower XXL compressor technology hepa, VS08G1666/14 dynapower XXL compressor technology hepa, VS08G1668/09 Campus compressor technology hepa, VS08G1668/14 Campus compressor technology hepa, VS08G1668/15 Campus compressor technology hepa, VS08G1696/03 dynapower XXL energy specialist, VS08G1701/011700W dynapower, VS08G1800/011800W Dynapower, VS08G1800/031800W Dynapower, VS08G180CH/03dynapower 1800W, VS08G1810/011800W Dynapower, VS08G1810/031800W Dynapower, VS08G1830/011800W Dynapower, VS08G1830/031800W Dynapower, VS08G183CH/011800W Dynapower, VS08G183CH/031800W Dynapower, VS08G1850/011800W Dynapower, VS08G1850/031800W Dynapower, VS08G1860/011800W Dynapower, VS08G1860/031800W Dynapower, VS08G186CH/011800W Dynapower, VS08G186CH/031800W Dynapower, VS08G2001/012000W dynapower, VS08G2001/032000W dynapower, VS08G2010/012000W dynapower, VS08G2010/032000W dynapower, VS08G201GB/03dynapower 2000W, VS08G2020/04Dynapower hepa 2000W, VS08G2020/09Dynapower hepa 2000W, VS08G2025/01dynapower Family&Pets 2000W, VS08G2025/03dynapower Family&Pets 2000W, VS08G2026/03, VS08G2030/012000W dynapower, VS08G2030/032000W dynapower, VS08G2032/04 dynapower parquet specialist plus hepa 2000W, VS08G2032/05 dynapower parquet specialist plus hepa 2000W, VS08G203CH/03dynapower 2000W, VS08G2040/01dynapower hepa active 2000W, VS08G2040/03dynapower hepa active 2000W, VS08G2050/012000W dynapower, VS08G2050/032000W dynapower, VS08G2050/042000W dynapower, VS08G2060/012000W dynapower, VS08G2060/032000W dynapower, VS08G2070/012000W dynapower, VS08G2070/032000W dynapower, VS08G2075/03dynapower car&home hepa 2000W, VS08G207GB/032000W dynapower, VS08G2090/012000W dynapower, VS08G2090/032000W dynapower, VS08G2210/03dynapower power edition 2200W, VS08G2212/03, VS08G2212/07ergomaxx 2000W, VS08G2212/09ergomaxx 2000W, VS08G2212/12ergomaxx 2000W, VS08G2212/14ergomaxx 2000W, VS08G2212/15ergomaxx 2000W, VS08G2213/03 dynapower XXL red brilliant hepa 2200W, VS08G2213/07 dynapower XXL red brilliant hepa 2200W, VS08G2213/09 dynapower XXL red brilliant hepa 2200W, VS08G2213/12 dynapower XXL red brilliant hepa 2200W, VS08G2214/03 dynapower XXL blue brilliant hepa 2200W, VS08G2214/09 dynapower XXL blue brilliant hepa 2200W, VS08G2214/14 dynapower XXL blue brilliant hepa 2200W, VS08G2214/15 dynapower XXL blue brilliant hepa 2200W, VS08G2215/03dynapower 2200W, VS08G2226/03 dynapower XXL hepa 2200 W, VS08G2226/09 dynapower XXL hepa 2200 W, VS08G222CH/03 dynapower XXL parquet specialist hepa 2200W, VS08G222CH/09 dynapower XXL parquet specialist hepa 2200W, VS08G2230/03 dynapower XXL hepa 2200W, VS08G2275/03 dynapower XXL car&home hepa 2200W, VS08G2330/03 dynapower XXL hepa 2300W, VS08G2330/12 dynapower XXL hepa 2300W, VS08G2330/14 dynapower XXL hepa 2300W, VS08G2330/15 dynapower XXL hepa 2300W, VS08G2410/03dynapower power edition 2400W, VS08G2422/03 dynapower XL parquet specialist hepa 2400W, VS08G2422/14 dynapower XL parquet specialist hepa 2400W, VS08G2422/15 dynapower XL parquet specialist hepa 2400W, VS08G2469/03 dynapower XXl hepa 2400 W, VS08G2469/14 dynapower XXl hepa 2400 W, VS08G2469/15 dynapower XXl hepa 2400 W, VS08G2469/17 dynapower XXl hepa 2400 W, VS08G2485/08 dynapower XL bag and bagless hepa 2400W, VS08G2490/03 dynapower XXL hepa active 2400W, VS08G2499/03 dynapower XXL hepa 2400W, VS08G2510/03 dynapower XXL 100 years of power 2500W, VS08G2511/03, VS08G2511/12 dynapower XXL 100 years of power 2500W, VS08G2511/14 dynapower XXL 100 years of power 2500W, VS08G2511/15 dynapower XXL 100 years of power 2500W, VS08G2511/17 dynapower XXL 100 years of power 2500W, VS08G2511/23 dynapower XXL 100 years of power 2500W, VS08G2610/03dynapower XXL 2600W power edition, VS08G2610/14dynapower XXL 2600W power edition, VS08G2610/15dynapower XXL 2600W power edition, VS08G2610/17dynapower XXL 2600W power edition, VS08G2610/23dynapower XXL 2600W power edition, VS08G2611/16dynapower XXL More than 100 years of power 2600W, VS08GP1266/03 compressor technology green power edition, VS08GP1266/11 compressor technology green power edition, VS08GP1266/13 compressor technology green power edition, VS08GP1266/14 compressor technology green power edition, VS08GP1266/15 compressor technology green power edition, VS08GP1269/14 compressor technology green power plus, VS08GP1269/15 compressor technology green power plus, VS32A01/01SUPER E 320, VS32A01/02SUPER E 320, VS32A01CH/01SUPER E 320, VS32A01CH/02SUPER E 320, VS32A01RK/01SUPER E 320, VS32A02/01SUPER E 320, VS32A02/02SUPER E 320, VS32A02FF/01SUPER E 320, VS32A02FF/02SUPER E 320, VS32A02FF/04SUPER E 320, VS32A02FF/08SUPER E 320, VS32A02RK/01SUPER E 320, VS32A02RK/02SUPER E 320, VS32A02RK/04SUPER E 320, VS32A03JL/01SUPER E 320, VS32A03JL/02SUPER E 320, VS32A06/04SUPER E 320, VS32A06/05SUPER E 320, VS32A06/08SUPER E 320, VS32A06/09SUPER E 320, VS32A06/10SUPER E 320, VS32A08/01SUPER E 320, VS32A08/02SUPER E 320, VS32A09FF/01SUPER E 320, VS32A09FF/02SUPER E 320, VS32A09FF/04SUPER E 320, VS32A09FF/08SUPER E 320, VS32A10/04SUPER E 320, VS32A10/08SUPER E 320, VS32A11/02SUPER E 320, VS32A12/02SUPER E 320, VS32A12/04SUPER E 320, VS32A12/08SUPER E 320, VS32A18/02SUPER E 320, VS32A33/03SUPER E 320, VS32A33/04SUPER E 320, VS32A33CH/03SUPER E 320, VS32A33II/03SUPER E 320, VS32A33II/04SUPER E 320, VS32A35/01EXTRAKLASSE E 325, VS32A35/02EXTRAKLASSE E 325, VS32A35EU/01SUPER E 320, VS32A35EU/02SUPER E 320, VS32A35ID/02SUPER E 320, VS32A45/02EXTRAKLASSE E 325, VS32A45/04EXTRAKLASSE E 325, VS32K00/04SUPER E 320, VS32K00/08SUPER E 320, VS33A03/01SUPER E 330, VS33A03/02SUPER E 330, VS33A03IL/01SUPER E 330, VS33A03IL/02SUPER E 320, VS33A04/04SUPER E 330, VS33A04/08SUPER E 330, VS33A13/02SUPER E 330, VS33A13/04SUPER E 330, VS33A13/07SUPER E 330, VS33A13/08SUPER E 330, VS33A13/10SUPER E 330, VS33A13/11SUPER E 330, VS33A14FF/01SUPER E 330, VS33A14FF/02SUPER E 330, VS33A15/07SUPER E 330, VS33A15/08SUPER E 330, VS33A24FF/02SUPER E 330, VS33A24FF/04SUPER E 330, VS3PR01(00), VS3PR01/02, VS3PR02(00), VS3PR02/03106.824 6 A, VS3PR02/04106.824 6 B, VS3PR03/04106 722.2, VS42A04/01SUPER S 420, VS42A04CH/01SUPER S 420, VS42A04RK/01SUPER S 420, VS42A04RK/04SUPER S 420, VS42A06EU/01K.I.N.G., VS42A07/01SUPER S 420, VS42A15FF/01SUPER S 420, VS42A24/01SUPER S 420, VS42A35/01EXTRAKLASSE S 425, VS42B04/01SUPER S 420, VS42B04CH/01SUPER S 420, VS42B04CH/04SUPER S 420, VS42B04CH/08SUPER S 420, VS42B06EU/01K.I.N.G., VS42B06EU/04K.I.N.G., VS42B06EU/08K.I.N.G., VS42B07/01SUPER S 420, VS42B07/04SUPER S 420, VS42B15FF/01SUPER S 420, VS42B15FF/04SUPER S 420, VS42B24/01SUPER S 420, VS42B35/01EXTRAKLASSE S 425, VS42B35/04EXTRAKLASSE S 425, VS42B35/08EXTRAKLASSE S 425, VS43A00/04SUPER S 430, VS44A06/01SUPER S 440, VS44A06JL/01SUPER S 440, VS44B06/01SUPER S 440, VS44B06/04SUPER S 440, VS44B24/01SUPER S 440, VS44B24/04SUPER S 440, VS44B24/06SUPER S 440, VS44B25CH/01SUPER S 440, VS44B25CH/04SUPER S 440, VS4PR01(00), VS4PR01/02102.792 9 A, VS4PR01/04102.792 9 B, VS50A10/02SUPER XXS SPEEDY, VS50A20/01DINO SUPER XS, VS50A20/02DINO SUPER XS, VS50A20/03Super XS dino 1300W, VS50A20/05Super XS dino 1300W, VS50A20GB/02DINO SUPER XS, VS50A20GB/03Super XS dino 1300W, VS50A20GB/05Super XS dino 1300W, VS50A21/01DINO SUPER XS, VS50A21/02DINO SUPER XS, VS50A21/03Super XS dino 1300W, VS50A21/05Super XS dino e 1300W, VS50A30/02SUPER XS DINO E 1400W, VS50A30/03Super XS dino 1400W, VS50A30/05Super XS dino 1400W, VS50A90/02SUPER XS DINO, VS50A90/03Super XS dino 1300W, VS50XS240/02SUPER XS 240 1300W, VS50XS240/03SUPER XS 240 1300W, VS51A10/02SUPER XXS PSEEDY, VS51A11/02SUPER XXS SPEEDY, VS51A12/02speedy, VS51A12CH/02SUPER XXS SPEEDY 1400W, VS51A20/01dino e SUPER XS, VS51A20/02dino e SUPER XS, VS51A20CH/02dino e SUPER XS, VS51A21/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS51A21EU/02dino, VS51A22/02dino, VS51A22CH/02DINO 1400W, VS51A22GB/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS51A22IL/02SUPER XS DINO E 1400W, VS51A24/02kids & fun 1500W, VS51A90/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS51A90/05SUPER XS DINO E, VS51A91/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS51A91/05SUPER XS DINO E, VS51A92/03Super XS dino 1400W, VS51A92/05Super XS dino 1400W, VS51B12/02SUPER XXS SPEEDY 1500W, VS51B12/05SUPER XXS SPEEDY 1500W, VS51B21/02SUPER XS DINO E 1400W, VS51B21/05SUPER XS DINO E 1400W, VS51B22/02SUPER XS DINO E 1400W, VS51B22/05SUPER XS DINO E 1400W, VS51XM300/02XM 300 1400W, VS52A02/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52A02/05Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52A10/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52A10/05Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52A20/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A20/04SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A20/05SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A20/06SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A20AU/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A20CH/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A20EU/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A20GB/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A20GB/05SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A21/02dino, VS52A22/02dino, VS52A23/02SUPER XS DINO, VS52A24/02kids & fun 1500W, VS52A24CH/02kids & fun 1500W, VS52A24GB/02kids & fun 1500W, VS52A25/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A25IL/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52A26/02dino, VS52A27/02SYDNEY 1500W, VS52A28/02Floorjet tris 1600W, VS52A46/02SUPER XS EXTRAKLASSE, VS52A90/02SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A90/05SUPER XS DINO E, VS52A95/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52A95/05Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52B11/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52B11/05Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52B12/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52B12/05Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52B20CH/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52B21/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52B21GB/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52B25/02SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS52B46/02SUPER XS EXTRAKLASSE 1600W, VS52D11/05Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52D11/06Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52D12/05Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52D12/06Super XS dino e 1500W, VS52XL370/02XL 370 1500W, VS52XL370/04XL 370 1500W, VS53A00/02SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53A00/05SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53A01/02SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53A01/05SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53A03/05SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53A03/06SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53A20/02SILVER CLASS, VS53A21/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS53A22/02Super XS dino e 1500W, VS53A46/02EXTRAKLASSE EDITION 1600W, VS53B10/02Modern Art 1600W, VS53B10GB/02Modern Art 1600W, VS53B20/02SILVER CLASS, VS53B21/02SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53B21/05SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53B21/06SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53B21/09SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53B91/02SUPER XS dino e 1600W, VS53E00/05SUPER XS dino e 1600 W, VS53E00/06SUPER XS dino e 1600 W, VS54A00/02Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A00/05Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A00CH/05Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A01/05Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A01/06Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A02/05Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A02/06Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A33/05Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A33/06Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A95/02Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A95/05Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A96/02Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54A96/05Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54B00/02Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54B00/05Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54B00/06Super XS dino e 1700W, VS54B20/02SILVER CLASS, VS54B20/05SILVER CLASS, VS54E00/05SUPER XS dino e 1700 W, VS54E00/06SUPER XS dino e 1700 W, VS54E00CH/05SUPER XS dino e 1700 W, VS54E00CH/06SUPER XS dino e 1700 W, VS54E01/05SUPER XS dino e 1700 W, VS54E01/06SUPER XS dino e 1700 W, VS55A00/02Super XS dino e 1800W, VS55A00/05Super XS dino e 1800W, VS55A01/06, VS55A01/10 SUPER XS dino e 1800W, VS55A20/06 SUPER XS dino e 1800W, VS55A21/06SUPER XS dino e 1800 W, VS55A28/02Floorjet tris 1800W, VS55A28/05Floorjet tris 1800W, VS55A31/02Super XS dino e 1800W, VS55A31/05Super XS dino e 1800W, VS55A35/05fresh&citro 1800W, VS55A55/02soft&silver 1800W, VS55A55/05soft&silver 1800W, VS55A82/06speedy bagless 1800 W, VS55A82/08speedy bagless 1800 W, VS55A82/09speedy bagless 1800 W, VS55A89/02silver & soft 1800W, VS55A89/05silver&soft 1800W, VS55A89/06silver&soft 1800W, VS55B00/02Super XS dino e 1800W, VS55B00/05Super XS dino e 1800W, VS55B75/02car & home 1800W, VS55B75/05car & home 1800W, VS55B75/06car & home 1800W, VS55D00/05SUPER XS dino e 1800 W, VS55D00/06SUPER XS dino e 1800 W, VS55E00/05SUPER XS dino e 1800 W, VS55E00/06SUPER XS dino e 1800 W, VS55E00RU/06SUPER XS dino e 1800 W, VS55E20/06SUPER XS dino e 1800 W, VS55E81/06, VS55E81/08 bag bagless 1800 W, VS55E81/09 bag bagless 1800 W, VS57A01/10 SUPER XS dino e 2000W, VS57A03/05SUPER XXS speedy 2000W, VS57A20/05SUPER XS dino e 2000W, VS57A20/06SUPER XS dino e 2000W, VS57A44RU/06 SUPER XS dino e 2000W, VS57A80/06dino e bagless 2000 W, VS57A80/08dino e bagless 2000 W, VS57A80/09dino e bagless 2000 W, VS57A81/06speedy cycletech 2000W, VS57A81/08speedy cycletech 2000W, VS57A81/09speedy cycletech 2000W, VS57A83/06speedy cycletech 2000 W, VS57A83/08speedy cycletech 2000 W, VS57A83/09speedy cycletech 2000 W, VS57B00/05powerball 2000W, VS57B00/06powerball 2000W, VS57E00RU/06SUPER XS dino e 2000 W, VS57E20/06SUPER XS dino e 2000 W, VS57E81/06, VS57E81/08 bag bagless 2000 W, VS57E81/09 bag bagless 2000 W, VS59A10/05SUPER XS dino e 2200W, VS59A10/06SUPER XS dino e 2200W, VS59A22/06 SUPER XS dino e 2200 W, VS59A29/06SUPER XS dino e 2200 W, VS59A30/06, VS59E20/06SUPER XS dino e 2200 W, VS59E22/06, VS59E80/06, VS59E80/08 bag bagless 2200 W, VS59E80/09 bag bagless 2200 W, VS5A1466/09 sUPER XS dino e Energy specialist, VS5A2302/09 Super XS dino e 2300W, VS5A2522/06 Hartboden Spezialist 2500W, VS5E2312/06SUPER XS dino e 2300 W, VS5E2412/06SUPER XS dino e 2400 W, VS5KA00/05dino e free & mobile, VS5KA00/06dino e free & mobile, VS5PR01/01102.722-6, VS5PR02/02929.661-7, VS5PR03/02545.961 5, VS5PR05/06063.872 6, VS5PT02/02PROFILO 1200 W, VS5PT03/02PROFILO 1300 W, VS5PT04/02PROFILO 1300W, VS5PT04/03Optima 1300W, VS5PT05/02PROFILO 1400W, VS5PT05/05PROFILO 1400W, VS5PT06/02PROFILO 1500W, VS5PT07/02Superia Electronic 1600W, VS5PT07/05PROFILO SUPERIA electronic 1600W, VS5PT07/06PROFILO SUPERIA electronic 1600W, VS5PT08/05PROFILO SUMATRA electronic 1800W, VS5PT08/06PROFILO SUMATRA electronic 1800W, VS5PT11/05, VS5PT11/06PROFILO electronic 1800 W, VS5PT11/10PROFILO electronic 1800 W, VS5PT15/05PROFILO TROYA electronic 1500W, VS5PT15/06PROFILO TROYA electronic 1500W, VS5PT18/06PROFILO electronic 1800W, VS5PT18/10PROFILO electronic 1800W, VS5PT20/10PROFILO electronic 2000W, VS5PT2000/12PROFILO 2000W, VS5PT2000/13PROFILO 2000W, VS5PT2002/12PROFILO 2000W, VS5PT2002/13PROFILO 2000W, VS63A00/04SIVER CLASS, VS63A00/06SILVER CLASS, VS63A00CH/04SILVER CLASS, VS63A00CH/06SILVER CLASS, VS63A00GB/06SILVER CLASS, VS63A07/07Super C electronic 1700W, VS63A07/09Super C electronic 1700W, VS63A10/06Super C elec.1500W, VS63A11/09Super C electronic 1600W, VS63A16/07Super C electronic 1600W, VS63A16/09Super C electronic 1600W, VS63A16/10Super C electronic 1600W, VS63A16CH/06Super C powerline 1600W, VS63A16CH/07Super C powerline 1600W, VS63A16CH/09Super C powerline 1600W, VS63A17/04SUPER C POWERLINE 1700W, VS63A17/06SUPER C POWERLINE 1700W, VS63A17/07SUPER C POWERLINE 1700W, VS63A17/09SUPER C POWERLINE 1700W, VS63A17/10SUPER C POWERLINE 1700W, VS63A17CH/06SUPER C POWERLINE 1700W, VS63A17CH/07SUPER C POWERLINE 1700W, VS63A17CH/09SUPER C POWERLINE 1700W, VS63A18/04SUPER C TURBOJET 1700W, VS63A18/06SUPER C TURBOJET 1700W, VS63A18/07SUPER C TURBOJET 1700W, VS63A18/09SUPER C TURBOJET 1700W, VS63A18CH/07Super C powerline 1800W, VS63A18CH/10Super C powerline 1800W, VS63A19/06floorjet plus 1700W, VS63A19/07floorjet plus 1700W, VS63A19/09floorjet plus 1700W, VS63A20/07Super C powerline plus 1800W, VS63A20/10Super C powerline plus 1800W, VS63A21/07SUPER C electronic 630 1800W, VS63A21/10SUPER C electronic 630 1800W, VS63A22/07SUPER C Turbojet 1800W, VS63A22/10SUPER C Turbojet 1800W, VS63A23/10SUPER C electronic 2000W, VS63A23CH/10SUPER C electronic 2000W, VS6PR01/07119.973 6, VS72C02/01SUPER M 720, VS72C02/04SUPER M 720, VS72C02/05SUPER M 720, VS72C02CH/05SUPER M ELECTRONIC 720, VS72C03/01SUPER M 720, VS72C03/04SUPER M 720, VS72C03/05SUPER M 720, VS72C04/01SUPER M 720, VS72C04/04SUPER M 720, VS72C06/01EDITION 150, VS72C06/04EDITION 150, VS72C07CH/01SUPER M ELECTRONIC 1400W, VS72C07CH/04SUPER M 1400 W, VS72C08/04SUPER M 720, VS72C08/05SUPER M 720, VS72C08CH/05SUPER M 720, VS91A00/01SUPER L 910, VS91A00/04SUPER L 910, VS91A00EU/04, VS91A01/02SUPER L910, VS91A11/04SUPER L 910, VS91A16/04SUPER L 910, VS91A18CH/05power edition evolution 1800W, VS92A00/01SUPER L 920, VS92A00/02SUPER L 920, VS92A00/04SUPER L 920, VS92A02CH/02SUPER L electronic, VS92A02CH/04SUPER L 920, VS95A00/04SILVER CLASS, VS95A17/04SILVER CLASS, VSM51462/01 m5.0 Extraklasse parquet, VSM51462/05 m5.0 Extraklasse parquet, VSM5GP1266/01 M5.0 Extraklasse green power edition, VSM5GP1266/05 M5.0 Extraklasse green power edition, VSPR5018/05PROTOS Made in Germany 1800W, VSPR5081/06PROTOS Made in Germany 1800W, VSPR5081/09PROTOS Made in Germany 1800W, VSQ4GP1264/01 Q 4.0 green power allergy, VSQ4GP1265/01 Q 4.0 green power allergy, VSQ4GP1267/01 Q 4.0 green power allergy, VSQ4GP1268/01 Q 4.0 green power allergy, VSQ5GP1264/01Q5.0 green power allergy, VSQ5X1230/04Q5.0 extreme silencePower, VSQ5X1230/10Q5.0 extreme silencePower, VSQ5X1238/04Q5.0 extreme silencePower, VSQ5X1238/10Q5.0 extreme silencePower, VSX32010CH/05 SX3 2000 W, VSX32130/05 SX3 hepa 2100 W, VSX32132/05 SX3 hepaparquet 2100W, VSX32300/05 SX3 2300W, VSX32432/05 SX3 hepa parquet 2400 W, VSX32503/04 SX3 2500 W, VSX32503/05 SX3 2500 W, VSZ31423/03 Z3.0 parquet specialist, VSZ31455/03 Z3.0 compressor technology hepa, VSZ31456/03 Z3.0 compressor technology hepa, VSZ31456/09 Z3.0 compressor technology hepa, VSZ31456/10 Z3.0 compressor technology hepa, VSZ31456/11 Z3.0 compressor technology hepa, VSZ31456/12 Z3.0 compressor technology hepa, VSZ31466/03 Z3.0 compressor technology hepa, VSZ314M1/03 Z3.0 extraklasse hepa parquet, VSZ3180GB/03 Z3.0 1800 W, VSZ320M1/03 Z3.0 extraKLASSE parquet, VSZ32200/03 Z3.0 2200 W, VSZ32215/03 Z3.0 bionic filter 2200W, VSZ32410/03 Z3.0 Power edition 2400W, VSZ32410/09 Z3.0 Power edition 2400W, VSZ32410CH/03 Z3.0 Power edition 2400W, VSZ32410CH/09 Z3.0 Power edition 2400W, VSZ32411/03 Z3.0 Power edition 2400W, VSZ32412/03 Z3.0 Power edition 2400 W, VSZ32430/03Z3.0 power edition 2400W, VSZ324XXL/03 XXL 2400W, VSZ32512/03 Z3.0 Power edition 2500 W, VSZ32512/09 Z3.0 Power edition 2500 W, VSZ3GP1215/03 Bionic Filter green power edition, VSZ3GP1266/03 Z3.0 green power edition compressor technology, VSZ3GP1267/03Z3.0 green power edition compressor technology, VSZ3GP12CH/03 Z3.0 green power edition compressor technology, VSZ3XTRM/03 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRM1/03 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRM11/03 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRM11/09 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRM11/10 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRM11/11 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRM11/12 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRM12/03 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRM4/03 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRMCH/03 Z3.0 extreme power, VSZ3XTRMGB/03 Z3.0 hepa+parquet extreme power, VSZ3XTRMXL/03 Z3.0 extreme power, 41 l/s, 2400 W, XXL hose system, VSZ41266/01 Z4.0 automatic compressor technology hepa, VSZ41466/01 Z4.0 compressor technology hepa, VSZ41666/01 Z4.0 automatic compressor technology hepa, VSZ42001/01 z4.0 automatic 2000W, VSZ42200/01 Z4.0 automatic 2200W, VSZ42223/01 Z4.0 paquet specialist 2200W, VSZ42230/01 Z4.0 automatic hepa 2200W, VSZ42232/01 Z4.0 automatic hepa parquet 2200W, VSZ42232CH/01 Z4.0 automatic hepa parquet 2200W, VSZ42233CH/01 Z4.0 automatic hepa parquet 2200W, VSZ42425/01 Z4.0 automatic 2400W, VSZ4GP1266/01Z4.0 compressor technology green power edition, VSZ4GP1269/01 Z4.0 compressor technology green power plus, VSZ4GP12CH/01 Z4.0 compressor technology green power edition, VSZ4XTRM/01 Z4.0 extreme power 2200W, VSZ512M1/01Z5.0 green power allergy, VSZ51402/01 Z5.0 compressor technology, VSZ51423/01 Z5.0 parquet specialist compressor technology, VSZ52255/01Z5.0 2200W hepa, VSZ52402/01 Z5.0 power edition 2400W, VSZ52403/01Z5.0 2400 W, VSZ52430/01Z5.0 power edition 2400 W, VSZ5GP1264/01Z5.0 green power allergy, VSZ5GP1264/06Z5.0 green power allergy, VSZ5GP1265/01 Z5.0 green power edition, VSZ5GP1266/01Z5.0 green power edition, VSZ5GPX1/01 Z5.0 extreme green power, VSZ5GPX2/01Z5.0 extreme green power, VSZ5GPX3/01Z5.0 extreme green power, VSZ5XTR2CH/07 Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM/01 Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM11/01Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM3/01 Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM3/04 Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM4/04Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM5/01Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM5/04Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM6/04Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRM7/04Z5.0 extreme power 46 liter/s airflow 2500W, VSZ5XTRM8/04Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRMCH/01Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRMCH/07Z5.0 extreme power, VSZ5XTRMGB/01Z5.0 extreme power 49 l/s airflow hepa 2400W made in Germany, VZ01MSF(00)Waschbarer Mikrofilter (Motorschutzfilter)
       В интернет-магазине РемДеталь вы можете купить Фильтр HEPA для пылесоса Bosch Siemens PL-067 с доставкой в Гусь-Хрустальный.
    • Цена за 1 шт.
    • Совместимость Siemens, Bosch
    • Код запчасти 618907
    • Аналоги 616268, 187622, 578863, PL-067, VAC300BO, VAC309BO
    • Гарантия 1 год
    • Длина 150 мм
    • Ширина 105 мм
    • Высота 13 мм
    • Ячейка М06-2
    • Длина (упак) 19 см
    • Ширина (упак) 15 см
    • Высота (упак) 5 см
  • Доступные варианты доставки в Гусь-Хрустальный
       Точная стоимость доставки зависит от параметров товара - веса и размеров упаковки. Вы можете выбрать способ доставки при оформлении заказа. Отправка запчастей осуществляется с центрального склада в Кемерово. Отправка заказов производится ежедневно, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Оплаченные заказы отгружаются в период до двух рабочих дней. Из магазина в службы доставки посылки отвозятся нашим курьером бесплатно.
  • Доступные способы оплаты
    1.     Дистанционная оплата в Гусь-Хрустальном:
      - Оплата банковской картой, СБП QR-код, Yandex Pay.
      - Оплата на карту Сбербанка.
      - Оплата по реквизитам (только для юридических лиц и ИП).
  • Гарантия в Гусь-Хрустальном
       Гарантийный срок эксплуатации на запасные части составляет 1 год, со дня покупки в магазине или получения товара в службе доставки (Почта России, ТК «Энергия", "СДЭК"), при условии, что установка запасных частей производилась специалистом сервисного центра. На запчасти, приобретаемые для самостоятельного ремонта, либо для ремонта не в авторизованных центрах, гарантия не распространяется.
  • Условия обмена и возврата товара в Гусь-Хрустальном
       Возврат и обмен запчастей, поставляемых физическим лицам, регламентируются положениями федерального закона "О защите прав потребителей" и Гражданским Кодексом РФ.
    1. Обмен или возврат товара ненадлежащего качества производится в течение 14 дней с момента покупки в магазине или получения товара в службе доставки (Почта России, ТК «Энергия", "СДЭК"). После возврата товара на наш склад мы проводим независимую экспертизу в срок не более 3-х дней. После подтверждения ненадлежащего качества, заводского брака или других недостатков товара, мы обменяем товар на аналогичный или возвратим денежные средства, на выбор покупателя. Если товар приобретался дистанционно, мы компенсируем расходы на пересылку.
    2. Обмен товара надлежащего качества производится в течение 14 дней с момента покупки в магазине или получения товара в службе доставки. Обменять товар можно на аналогичный, если приобретенный товар не подошел по форме, габаритам, цвету, размеру или комплектации. Обмен производится при условии, что товар не был в употреблении, не имеет следов установки, подключения, эксплуатации, сохранены его товарный вид и потребительские свойства.
  • Рекомендуемые товары